Sunday 22 March 2015

The Changeling Courts of Norwich part 1: Seelie and Unseelie

As mentioned previously, the 'Watchtower over the Water' adheres to its own court structures which developed in isolation to the 'Great Seasonal Courts of the West'. Whereas the Great Seasonal Courts derive their power from the four seasons of the agricultural cycle, the fact that the citizens of 'The Tower' are divorced from the cycles of the mortal realm their court structure takes its cue from the two interchanging seasons of the local hedge. Seelie and Unseelie are two Middle English words, the former meaning 'blessed' and the latter 'unholy', became common currency to describe the two groups of Changelings which rotated and continue to rotate the monarchy of the City.

The Seelie Fae rule during the swamplands of summer when hedge bounty is plentiful, They were the leaders of St Elijah's rebellion and were well known for their hot headed and righteous temperament, during the first few months of freedom their can do attitude compelled them to scour the hedge for provisions. It is amongst the Seelie Fae that the beliefs of the 'Church of Lost Salvation', and in particular the belief that 'The Tower' marks a promised land for the Lost, find most favour.

On the other hand the Unseelie Fae reign during the desolate tundra of winter. Unlike the Seelie Fae they initially tried to reintegrate back into their old lives and faced the bitter sting of rejection. Known for their pragmatic and 'uncaring' nature, it was under their 'brutal' but effective leadership that the Walls of the city were built and the dwindling supplies of summer were rationed out amongst the starving few most likely to survive the onslaught of the elements. Unseelie Fae are considered such because their ascent means a time of great hardship for the local Lost. Whereas the Seelie Fae become martyrs of the Freehold, it is under the orders of the Unseelie and their cold calculated decisions that martyrdom is sometimes required. As such, it is amongst the Unseelie that respect for the absolute power of the institution of monarchy and its function of arbitration can be found.

With the arrival of the 'Great Seasonal Courts' the unity of the Seelie and Unseelie became fragmented over generations as Changelings found more sophisticated emotions for their Wyrd resonate with. The Seelie Fae split and adopted the tenets of the Antler Crown and the Iron Spear whereas the Unseelie divided between the Leaden Mirror and the Silent Arrow. However in terms of leadership it is the Iron Spear and the Silent Arrow, the two courts that most resemble the righteous defiance and bitter pragmatism of tradition, which now rotate the crown. Despite to some Changelings, especially those with ties to the Freeholds of the West, this apparent anachronism it is still through the Seelie and Unseelie courts that political pressure is exerted.

Seelie and Unseelie Mantles:
Those who truly believe in the 'Old ways' and the strength of tradition in preserving the Freehold see noticeable changes in their Court's mantle. Though my default assumption has been that players will not be traditionalists, if that is the ideology you wish to adopt then you might want to consider displaying a Seelie or Unseelie mantle either through costuming or roleplay.

Seelie Mantle
Changeling's who identify as Seelie often radiate a stuffy humidity like the swamps and bayous of the hedge in their season. They can look quite sodden with tears leaking uncontrollably and Flax or wildflowers growing in their damp windswept hair. Their voices can sound with the deep throbbing tempo of rain or boom with the crack of thunder.

Unseelie Mantle
Changeling's who identify as Unseelie drain the heat around them and raise hairs as the enter a room. Their skin is dry and cracking or appears as powdering dead flesh that flakes like permafrost. They often have small chapped lips yet their eyes and mouths are wide and as deep as a bottomless pit. When they speak it is usually with the chill whisper or howling scream of a bitter north wind.

Post Script: I now have a new email address set up for the new chronicle. If you have any questions or suggestions for things you want to see in future blog posts (or when the time comes Character ideas, downtimes etc.) please send them to

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