Monday 16 March 2015

Welcome to the Tower part 2; The District of Mancroft

Norwich's medieval streets such as Elm Hill provide a perfect visual guide for the narrow streets of Mancroft.

So following on from the last post, the second district to get a more detailed look in is the District of Mancroft. Unlike the 'Old City' which is the domain of the great and the good the district of Mancroft is home to the 'petty bourgeois' of the city: the artisans, the  Hedge Farmers and Burghers that maintain the lifeblood of the city. Players wishing to interact with the city will be doing so primarily with Changelings of this social status, all the while accumulating that social capital for the opportunity to make an appointment in the leaders schedules.

Along with Westwyk, Mancroft holds the vast majority of 'The Tower's Changeling population. As a social group the are quite religious, with many belonging to the 'Church of Lost Salvation', though other fringe cults and sects are tolerated "in the privacy of ones own home". There is also a strong communal spirit that is supportive of the current 'traditional' structure of the Freehold and the current status quo.

Moreover, Mancroft is the home of various artisans trading in leather craft, metallurgy and Hedge bounty by taking advantage of the City laws forbidding unlicensed trade within the city walls in an attempt to curb the influence of the Goblin market. However, though these items are perfectly serviceable for civilian life, those seeking more specialist wares or those seeking items for their usefulness in the hedge are still drawn to the Market.

Mancroft (NPC Domain) Area Morality 6
Often described as a chocolate box district, the not quite crowded historic inner-city perfectly reflects the petite bourgeois ambitions of its members. Here the vast majority of ‘respectable citizens’ live, work and peacefully co-exist. It frequently comes into conflict with its more unruly northern neighbour. The area is also known for its various occult paraphernalia due to the influence of occultists in the parish of Maddermarket.  Attitude of population is distinctly ‘small-c-conservative’…

The streets or Mancroft are narrow and tight. The timber framed and flint buildings needed to support the Changeling population are packed in tightly making navigation difficult for those unfamiliar with the old medieval streets and gives the district a sense of motion and bustling dynamism. Despite this the citizens of the district maintain their streets so that everything has a nostalgic gleam. Tame hedge plants are hung from baskets to give the streets a sweet aroma while teams regularly clean the streets and repair cobbles when necessary. As such the streets of Mancroft are arguably the most pleasant to walk down in the whole city.

The Boundaries of Mancroft District are St Benedict's Street to the north, Tombland to the east, Castle Meadow, Farmers Avenue, Golden Ball Street and All Saints Green to the south.

The Guildhall
The Guildhall is the headquarters for the City's guild, which manages and licences commerce within the city. It is here where all Guild merchants meet regularly to socialise, resolve internal disputes and formulate resolutions for the district delegates of the Monarchical Parliament (it has been a long precedent that at least one of the Districts delegate has been drawn from the membership of the guild).
Although its rules are not entrenched in the monarchical decrees, and thus do not apply to the freehold at large, the Guild takes pains to enforce its closed shop within the full extent of the citizens pledge especially under the current leadership of Nate Pickett: a Darkling Leechfinger of the Spring court. Unsurprisingly the Guildhall corresponds with its real world counterpart.

The Undercrofts
The Undercrofts are a collection of tunnels and stores beneath the streets of Mancroft and Westwyk. The provide near unrestricted movement across the two districts except for places blocked off by the occupiers of the buildings above. There is also an entrance to the catacombs below the city in winter for those daring enough to venture below while in summer due to the flooding of the hedge they can be quite dank.

The Barracks of the Baleful Sun
A brick fort and parade ground built specifically for the training and drilling of the Knights and Constables of the Freehold. Through traditionally (and encouraged by 'Big Al' the summer monarch) the Barracks were only open to members of the summer court, anyone who has taken the 'Knights vow' is free to procure rooms for training. The Barracks also provides a base of operations for the City Watch and a meeting place for the Summer Court.
The Barracks are maintained by Grace Hunt, A Beast Clear eyes (Greyhound), who is also leader of the City Watch. The barracks correspond to Norwich City Council offices and the attached police station.

Roof Gardens
Many of the roofs above the shops serving Hedge bounty have small allotment like gardens which their produce is created. these gardens give a beautiful and commanding view of the city skyline.

St Stephen's Gate
One of the three gates out of the city into the wider Hedge. St Stephen's gate is the one used in formal occasions such as official scouting parties or groups of knights are sent out at the Monarchs behest. on its entrance there is a magnificent gothic façade depicting St Elijah Morningstar and St Stephen as a reminder to those leaving the city they do so for the righteousness of their cause. The gatehouse is constantly manned day and night to maintain vigil against the encroaching hedge.
St Stephens Gate corresponds to the roundabout between St Stephens Street and Newmarket/Ipswich Road.

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