Thursday 26 March 2015

The Changeling Courts of Norwich part 5: The Leaden Mirror

The work of God can be destroyed by the work of the Devil,
 just as we are now discussing the effects of Witchcraft.
But since this can only be done by the permission of God,
it does not at all follow that the Devil is stronger than God.
- The Malleus Maleficarum

There was a time when the Leaden Mirror commanded both fear and respect amongst the citizens of 'The Tower', even before the sorcerers feud however their influence was on the wain. The Silent Arrow commands begrudging respect because it is the leader of the Unseelie court but the Leaden Mirror can claim no such authority. As such, those more ignorant from the other courts easily dismiss their 'mad, dangerous and unethical' research as an abomination against the 'Church of Lost Salvation'. Although these concerns have never crossed the line into open persecution, Changelings of the Leaden Mirror know full well that they walk a precarious path between true insight into the war against the Gentry and the hell that is paved with their 'good intentions'.

Living on the Edge
The Leaden Mirror dedicates its efforts to the understanding of two things, the fears of others and the magic of the True Fae. This in turn provokes suspicion and revilement from more 'respectable' citizens who would seek to learn another's fears without intent to use it against them, and perhaps more importantly could anyone learn the secrets of the others without bringing the consequences down on others. Their compulsion to discover the hidden depths and mysteries often portrays them as 'Faustian' figures on the fringes of sanity and common decency.
That doesn't mean however that the freehold won't accept any of the Leaden Mirrors findings: the scholars of the Leaden Mirror may practise all manner fringe theories and time and again it has been the unique insight of one such individual that has staved off a threat to the City at large. Moreover, it is members of the Leaden Mirror that best understand the City walls and take the lead in maintenance and repairs.

Simon Pierce  Autumn Leader
“Just <bzzzt> leave it on the worktop there and I’ll have a look at it this evening”
The Autumn court doesn’t talk about it but there is a reason that Mr Pierce speaks with their authority. The Leaden Mirror was once a divided group, two sorcerers had feuded for leadership but their ambition plunged the court into disgrace. With wounds still raw what was needed was a leader who was not controversial…was not divisive. Simon Pierce was a low ranking member of the court what had not picked a side; in fact he had spent most of his time rebuilding his life within the mortal world. Simon Pierce works as a senior architect for a local practice and is an expert in hedge spinning and token making. To the citizens of Westwyk he is nothing less than a hero showing that they can truly ‘have it all’ but the higher ups are getting concerned and the sword of Damocles seems to dangle ever more precariously above his head
Elemental: Manekin
Mantle: 3
Entitlement: Unknown
Mask: A scruffy looking man in practical outdoors clothing. He seems perpetually preoccupied with something or other as if he cannot keep his hands or his mind still. He is rarely seen without a sketchbook.
Mein: Simon has a cold, metallic and angular face. His articulations are accompanied by the ticking of cogs, hampered only by the bellows of his lungs. It looks as if he’s always listening for the sound, as if he is hoping it’s just his mind playing tricks.
Noticeable Mechanics: None
  • That whole stick about reclaiming his old life back, I bet its not even real...he seems to spend all his time abseiling on the walls...I bet he's not even a neutral party either: his whole token expertise probably puts him as Annabel's marionette...
  • ...Senior architect, that's more than just sticking your head above the parapet and he's not been dragged kicking and screaming to you know where...What kind of deal has he done to keep that cushy number???
  • I got a visit from Si a couple of weeks back, middle of the night he just turns up all panicked like and muttering about god knows what...anyway when I managed to calm him down he sort of froze up and didn't want to talk about was like he had found something out but didn't know who to trust with it...

Dr Sleep   Autumn’s Legate of Mists
If you go out on the streets at night, talk to the right people and hand over some cash you too can hear the legend of Dr Sleep: The Homeless of Norwich have three rules, keep an eye out for each other, don’t go into a place marked with a chalk star and hide if you hear the sound of bells…because that’s when the good doctor comes calling. The Good doctor is a powerful Oneiromancer who takes a cynical view towards the Mortal Realm as an accident waiting to happen. Moreover, being one of the two sorcerers he hasn’t taken too kindly to the current status quo amongst his court, believing the whole court should follow his acolytes devote themselves to the study of fears and superstition.
Darkling: Skitterskilk
Mantle: 3 (Unseelie)

Entitlement: Unknown
Mask: The Good Doctor is shabbily dressed in a long coat, frock and tails, remminisant of rogues and vagrants of the Victorian era.
Mein: The Good Doctor never quite seems there, as if he’s merely an extension of the shadows. His face moreover looks like it is wrapped up in black cloth like a crude executioner’s hood. Two sunken eyes glare out of this freakish ‘garment’ though there is no trace of a nose or mouth.
Noticeable Mechanics: Gentrified Bearing, Fame 1 (Urban Legend)
  • I was in one of the Summer expeditions out into the hedge last winter and we came across this line of posts blocking the trod. each had a skull facing towards the deeper hedge and a candle in the mouth which by all laws of heaven and earth should have been blown out in that bitter wind...Apparently the good Doctor put them there but why???
  • You know The Good Doctor can kill you in your, not like any old darkling creeping up on you in the middle of the night but actually kill you in your dreams...I heard that if you fuck up, and I mean really fuck up so exile seems like getting away with it, he'll pay you a final visit next time you close your eyes...
  • I heard The Good Doctor has a hobby for collecting memories...apparently he has a secret room in his hollow where they are all on display and sometimes samples them...more worryingly though I head he likes to take memories from Changelings because he likes to study its effect on their clarity...

Annabel Lee  The Witch of the Bitter Wind
"Please! I have more important matters to deliberate…go pester an ibecile like the doctor on such trivial matters”
Annabel is the most noted scholar within the walls of the tower. Quick to anger and one who does not suffer fools gladly her feud with Dr Sleep almost tore the Autumn court in two and severely weakened their influence amongst the freehold. She is known as a capable battle sorceress who condones the rivalries and infighting amongst her coven for her praise and the arcane secrets she bestows as a reward.
Fairest: Telluric/Brightone
Mantle: 4 (Unseelie)
Entitlement: Unknown
Mask: A stern librarian who is angered by your presence disturbing the ambiance of her sanctum. Her facial expressions move from contorted displeasure to forced smile. Her skin is fair and only extenuates the brightness of her red mane. She has constellations tattooed on her arms.
Mein: Annabel is a collection of lights forming constellations like the map of the Northern Hemisphere. She speaks with a voice that seems to echo from a great distance.
Noticeable Mechanics: Siren Song
  • Autumn may have an understanding but I give it a few months tops. Annabel's followers have been getting rather vocal at late and I bet she is going to make another play for her courts leadership. You better choose a side now otherwise you'll be caught in the crossfire...
  • If you can impress her with some display of Fae magic I head Annabel is looking for an apprentice...another one so soon you ask, well you remember how changed the last one was since they both journeyed into the hedge alone...and then one night she just disappeared without a trace, whatever Annabel showed her no good will come of it...
  • Look I've seen a lot in my time, I know what different seeming's are capable of and hell I've even seen some of the weird shit the lesser courts can pull of...but one time my motley was escorting Annabel into the hedge when we were attacked by hedge beasts....and seriously man the shit she was pulling off was unlike anything else I had seen before: she couldn't have come by a trick like that naturally is what I'm saying...

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