Tuesday 24 March 2015

The Changeling Courts of Norwich part 3: The Antler Crown

Unless I am convinced by the testimony of the Scriptures or by clear reason,
I am bound by the Scriptures I have quoted and my conscience is captive to the Word of God.
I cannot and will not recant anything, since it is neither safe nor right to go against conscience.
May God help me. Amen.-Martin Luther

It is probably because of their seemingly flighty and hedonistic nature that the Antler Crown emerged as the lesser of the two factions amongst the Seelie Court. However the true reason is much more nuanced: while the antler crown adheres to 'The Ardent Rule' (Your Desires Are Your Own) the unique pressures of 'The Tower's society has placed them on the back foot and as such many amongst the court have become 'philosophical' and 'academic' about their relation to desire. To be held in high regard within the Antler Crown one must be able to cite precedent, explain ceremony and be knowledgeable of the City's lore. Although critics have argued that many in the Antler Crown cynically learn this simply to push the envelope and bend the rules in relation to achieving their own desires, it can be seen in some Lost such as the Courts' leader Cyrus Flay that such knowledge is necessary to preserve the hard one freedoms of the citizens from  the tyranny mob rule.

By the Lost, For the Lost
The Antler Crown is the court that deals with society, in the case of 'The Tower' it is a predominantly Changeling society rather than that of the Mortal world, and as such have a keen understanding of the City's various beats and rhythms. Changelings of the Antler Crown are often sought out for their legal expertise and presumed impartiality in resolving disputes as they believe the system can work for everyone so long as you know it well enough to not get duped.
Amongst the Seelie court in particular it is the Antler Crown that is the check and balance against the Summer Monarchy's less thought out schemes. Of Course there have always been Changeling of the Antler Crown that have coveted power but for the most part its members display a Lassaiz Faire attitude, respecting everyone's boundaries so each Lost is free to pursue their own 'Promised Land'.

Alongside the Silent Arrow, the Antler crown also keeps an eye on the mortal world, scouting out good sources of glamour or places where the Lost can move amongst the populace to maintain their clarity. However, unlike the Silent Arrow which is seemingly content to abandon those who get caught out to their fate, the Antler Crown does make selective contacts that can be useful in getting a naïve Changeling out of a tight spot. This is rarely done out of a sense of altruism and one who seeks such an intervention will be made to feel indebted afterwards. The accusations of Usury are never far from a Spring Courtier who comes to call in their debts.

Cyrus Flay  Verdant Advocate

“If that would be all…sir?”

Hovering like a fly though more akin to the elephant in the room, Mr Flay seems like an odd fit for the undisputed leader amongst the local spring court. Bookish and seemingly awkward he displays none of the flair or flamboyance traditionally associated with the pangs of desire. Flay’s desire is a smouldering obsession for order and sense in a world that seems long bereft of it. His constant companion is a well-thumbed tome that details all the various rituals, ceremonies and celebrations that mark the Freeholds social calendar. Each one he meticulously attends to, imparting his knowledge and experience into every aspect of their organisation. Flay knows the value of tradition, the reassurance it brings and in the case of the freeholds pageantry the desire for life and colour it grants, and is a stickler for it.

Wizened: Chatelaine/Antiquarian
Mantle: 1 (Seelie)
Entitlement: Unknown

Mask: Dour looking man in his mid-fifties, smartly dressed though his sense of dress is nostalgically outdated like some minor character in a Wodehouse comedy. His excessive maintenance of his posture makes him look ill at ease upon scrutiny, preferring much more to slink into the shadows until required.
Mein: Cyrus walks with a spindling, spider like gait. His is a tall stretched out man with skin greying with age. His eyes are drawn together like two black beads shifting from one thing to another, giving each item in view a scathing appraisal in turn.
Noticeable mechanics: Unobtrusive
  • When the crown passes to Summer Mr Flay seems to disappear for a couple of weeks. It's not like you'd notice considering all the events and party's at that time are wholesale Summer court 'WE R THE BEZT' affairs. I heard he goes somewhere private to get all that desire out of his system so he can be the dour snob he is the other fifty weeks...
  • You know the Wizened on Bethel Street who owns the bakery. Yeah the one who doesn't go out much. She used to be in the Spring Court and was a real...I mean REAL partygoer, couldn't prise her away from the mortal club scene with a crowbar. I heard one night got arrested for assaulting a copper and her motley asked Mr Flay to get her out of custody. Well I don't know the details of what happened but sure as his word he returned with her and she's ever since been doing her best to avoid him...
  • Mr Flay is incredibly loyal to Ms Crowley but next time you see him out attending a ceremony during Summer watch his body language in relation to 'Big Al'...I'm not saying anything exactly but Mr Flay has an almost ingrained respect for the institution of the monarchy and an encyclopaedic knowledge of what's right and wrong. And it seems to me he thinks 'Big Al' ain't the sort of Person who should be running this City...
Fuchsia Peake  Spring’s Searce
“lemmie see lemmie see…you made this right? Perhaps you should try better next time…”
Where ‘Dear old Flay’ creeps around making sure everything is in its place Fuchsia Peake struts around like the queen bee of spring. As the Spring Searce the young vixen plays the role of critic, gate keeper and rumourmonger for her court. A Paragon of the Courts more hedonistic aspects she is known for being able to find ‘anything’ a person requires if they are willing to play her ‘little games’ (which often involves embarrassment or scandal on the part of the customer). Anyone who wishes to earn favour with the Antler Crown soon learns to swallow their pride and pander to her whims.
Beast: Roateater/Cleareyes (Fox)
Mantle: 4 (Seelie)
Entitlement: Unkown
Mask: A Young woman wearing exclusively vintage clothing of the fifties and sixties. There is a distinct jovial naivety about her body language that contradicts the cunning in her eyes.
Mein: Her fur is immaculately groomed and when she smiles she cannot help but bar her fangs.
Notable Mechanics: Striking Looks 2, Rigid Mask
  • If you want to join the Antler Crown then you have to impress the Searce. The way I heard it though Fuchsia has a pathological hatred of the Fairest, she just can't stand them for some reason. So any of them that try to join she makes their lives a living hell, forcing them to do demeaning tasks...and I mean demeaning by Fuchsia's standards before she will even consider them. She'd deny it obviously but which one of them is going to speak up about it anyway...
  • Fuchsia is simply a bad influence on people. I head the only reason she is in a motley with Violet is so Ms Crowley could try and get evidence for her spreading malicious rumours, but that's backfired. When you see the two of them together its worth keeping an eye out because one of their 'little pranks' is about to go off...
  • Apparently Miss Peake has a little black book which details all the things she has forced people to do to become a member of the Antler Crown. I'm sure if one could get their hands on it then they could acquire a few 'golden handshakes' to keep its contents secret...

Nate Pickett  Head of the Guild
"See, I can respect you for seeing an opportunity and taking it...its just this is the way we roll"
The last few years have seen the inexplicable rise of Nate Pickett through both the ranks of the Antler Crown and the City Guild. This scrawny urchin with a passion for running his mouth off was nothing but a petty annoyance until a surprise vote of no confidence in the Guild's then leader caused a vacuum of power. Nate somehow emerged on top convincing one of the stronger candidates to back him and the other to disappear. following his ascension Nate has reinvigorated the Guild and increased its political clout with the use of 'your friendly neighbourhood leg breakers' to maintain the Guilds position as the City's chamber of commerce.

Darkling: leechfinger
Mantle: 3
Entitlement: Unknown

Mask: a slight, hunched man rubbing his hands together with glee and the flicker of avarice in his eyes. He wares Victorian-esque clothes which have seen better days, more for the perceived effect of refinement old clothing gives despite the multitude of patches and re-stitching, and has a habit of whistling inanely especially when someone is in for it. He has a very fair complexion and soot coloured hair.
Mein: The first things you notice about Nate's Mein is his long sharp fingernails and smiling fangs that seem to invite only the promise of immeasurable pain.
Noticeable Mechanics: none
  • Mr Pickett apparently has a fetch that runs one of the gangs in the Mortal Realm though from what I head they each made an offer the other couldn't refuse...apparently Nate got bored with running the Guild cause everyone has the sense to pay up. So they swapped round so he can indulge his pleasures away from the City's prying eyes...
  • You don't remember Gog, the Ogre that was front runner for leadership of the Guild, do you? Well I was in the market one time and I was passing the slave market...Just passing through mind...and I'm sure I saw him amongst the merchandise...true story I swear...
  • You want anything done in Mancroft then you have to get Nate's permission...The City leadership don't care what happens outside their district so long as the pledges are maintained so nobody's dared challenge him yet cause if you haven't noticed there are an awful lot of guild members that don't seem to be running any sort of trade...

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