Monday 23 March 2015

The Changeling Courts of Norwich part 2: The Iron Spear

They have seen my strength for themselves,
Have watched me rise from the darkness of war,
Dripping with my enemies' blood. I drove, Five great giants into chains, chased
All of that race from the earth. I swam
In the blackness of night, hunting monsters
Out of the ocean, and killing them one
By one; death was my errand and the fate
They had earned... -Beowulf

The Iron Spear Is the martial arm of the Free Lost, in 'The Tower' they are the epitome of the Seelie court and highly respected as the City's first line of defence. They are driven by a sense of righteous anger either from the theft of their former life, the things they witnessed and endured in Faerie or maybe you should just stop trying to psychoanalyse the metaphorical barrel of a loaded gun (just say'n). Regardless, for better or worse the Iron Spear has earned a reputation for being the most proactive of the four courts: like fools they rush in while angels fear to tread out of a sense of duty to the Freehold at large and to settle the score with something...

Reign of Summer
Unlike the other courts, and under the encouragement of 'Big Al',  The Iron Spear has the audacity to claim a pivotal role in the functioning and wellbeing of the City throughout the year. In the six months that the court does not maintain political power the court as a whole maintains a 'vigil' over the hedge. They are the ones that volunteer on missions to claim various rare hedge bounty during the dead of winter or to stop a perceived threat before it reaches the city walls. For them the price is steep and not a year goes by without some deaths or missing in action's.
For knights of the Iron Spear this vigil lasts from All Hallows Eve to Walpurgis Night. These are two immensely holy days for the 'Church of Lost Salvation' with the former being a night of remembrance for all who have perished in service of 'The Tower' and the latter being the last night of the year that Old Nick may freely walk the earth.

While in power, the Iron spear takes every opportunity to show its Martial strength with parades, rally's and tournaments. This serves a dual purpose to not only 'reassure the Citizens' but also to remind them of the pivotal role played by the Iron Spear in securing and protecting their 'freedoms'. Many of their ceremonies revolve around the Courts deeply held belief of 'Manifest Destiny', often commandeering some religious rites and symbols for this purpose. 

The 'Germanic Hero'
The Iron Spear are the warrior caste of the City. Bearing this burden their lives are a precarious balance between their own reputation and their political responsibilities. Although some can be described as driven by noble and chivalric concepts such as honour, all courtiers of the Iron Spear are driven by the hamartia of revenge: focused on their keepers, their fetches or things the Changeling cannot quite put their finger on. For them, the he or she 'copes with the blows of fate' is extremely important for the regard of their peers.
This concept of the 'Germanic hero', seen in characters such as Beowulf, is an important frame of reference for how I am going to be running Summer NPC's at a local level.

Ancalagon ‘Big Al’  The Worth General Calescence
“It’s our turn in the sun and if you disagree for god sake step aside because you’re just an obstacle that needs to be smashed: I am a patriot and I promise you that in the face of this adversity we will come together and we will conquer it”
‘Big Al’ as the Old Dragon likes his friends to call himself, and all the free lost are his ‘friends’, comes across as a friendly likeable guy with all the backstabbing charisma of a used car salesman. Unlike a lot of the free lost he is happy to tell you about his time in a dank dark dungeon eating anyone foolish enough to come searching for his masters treasure, or more likely attempting to find a doorway out. He is only happy, and with a tinge of pride, to tell you how he came to realise the nature of his imprisonment and how he fought his way out of Arcadia. And if you still want to listen he’ll tell you all about the injustices his fellow citizens have suffered both there and after the return which the Old Dragon has undone. Big Al’s wrath manifests as indignant zealotry, a brutish charisma and defiant patriotism that has solidified his position as the Summer Monarch.

Elemental: Blightbent/Draconic
Mantle: 5 (Seelie)
Entitlement: Sacred Band of the Golden Standard
Mask: ‘Big Al’ is quite literally big, though it is foolish to think that his thick flab is anything but muscle. He wears a cheap suit that only extenuates his beer gut and his slick backed hair only draws attention to his beak like nose. His eyes are red and bloodshot and his skin looks like it could do with some moisturiser.
Mein: Ancalagon’s thick scaly hide is a glossy sable while his claws and horns, which he will rub as if slicking his hair, are a yellowing ivory. His breath emanates as small whisp of vapour that smells of rot and sulphur.
Noticeable Mechanics: Giant

  • 'Big Al' always try's to make an impression on the new Changelings, giving them a opportunity to climb the ranks of the Iron spear in to knighthood, probably because he needs fresh bodies to replace those he sends out to die every year. Still, and you didn't hear this from me mind, agreeing to work for the Old Dragon and being canny enough to survive can be quite profitable both politically and materially...
  • ...still if that's the course you're thinkin' then you best be careful. 'Big Al' treats all agreements no matter how trivial as if they were solemnly sworn oaths. You go breakin' your word and fail to deliver then you dishonour 'Big Al's kindness. And trust me he doesn't take slights kindly...
  • If 'Big Al' had his way the Iron spear would be running the whole city all the time. He deliberately fosters a sense of entitlement amongst his court and you can see it in they're eyes when those knights prance about and treat the other courts like dirt. Didn't think I'd ever be saying this but if it wasn't for Ms Crowley and whatever tricks she has up her sleeve I bet the Old Dragon would have made a move by now...

Jack Hickathrift  The Red Victor
Jack ‘The Giant Slayer’ Hickathrift is a living legend, tales are told of the monsters he’s fought, the adventures he’s undertaken and the peoples he’s saved. Of course Jack himself will simply break your legs and tell you to fuck off. To him he’s not a hero and will remedy any impression you had of him in his soft spoken tones as he breaks your face against the nearest hard object. He is the only one considered strong enough to take on ‘Big Al’ but is content in his place at the bottom of the political pile, The summer court know Jack is a loose cannon and only get him involved in a problem when inaction would be far worse. He can usually be found in the dives of Ultra Aquam if anyone has enough of a death wish to seek him out.

Ogre: Bloodbrute
Mantle: 5
Entitlement: Unkown
Mask: Jack is the guy everyone drinks away from in the bar. Sure his is part of the Firm, he runs it, but he’s not the one who stands up and makes the speeches or tells anyone the plan. He simply and periodically stamps his authority on the scene by breaking the back of some unfortunate nob that has annoyed him. In short his face screams ‘axe murderer’.
Mein: For anyone who has read Beowulf, a description of the Grendel is surprisingly absent…just like Jack: you don’t need to be told what the monster looks like...
Noticeable Mechanics: Fast reflexes 2
  • You weren't around at the time but Jack was well tight with his big brother Tom. Tom was a giant of an Ogre and defiantly the better fighter by a mile. So why haven't you heard about Tom? See the Hickathrift brothers got into a fight against Old Nick, nearly fought him to a standstill till Old Nick punched out Tom's heart. And if you're still wondering why nobody mentions Tom you should see the last guy to offer Jack condolences...
  • I heard Jack has started sleeping in the mortal world. It isn't right is it: what sort of example is he going to set for those no good kids in Westwyk with him no doubt brawling in the street an' drawing attention to us. Some ought to do somethin' about him before he goes too far...well not me obviously!!
  • So a fried of a friend told me, well of course I wasn't going to ask Jack 'bout it, that the Victor is planning an expedition to one of the lost colonies for some old token and is looking for volunteers to help. You ask me you'd have to be put before Committee if you're planning on shacking up with 'Mad Jack'...

Grace Hunt  The Constable of Calefaction 
"Well, you're the only one here with blood on their hands..."
In the first few summers of her freedom, Grace would always be leading a scouting party into the hedge. Being one of her keepers pack hounds in Faerie her duties are conducted with a conflicting ambivalence. This seems to put others in more unease than herself, especially with her authority to bring citizens to trial before the monarch. As such, Grace is a solitary person with a tendency to bark out clipped orders, especially to those with the misfortune of being conscripted into the Watch. She can often be found out walking the streets of the City at all hours.
Beast: Cleareyes
Mantle: 3(Seelie)
Entitlement: Unkown
Mask: Grace has short cropped hair held back with a hairband and a compact physique that suggests someone dedicated to track and field athletics. She always bares a sardonic smile and her eyes flicker as if she always scanning the room. She has a tendency to wear clothes that allow her to blend in and deflect attention from herself.
Mein: with a body near perfected for open ground sprints. Her body is near skeletal like that of a greyhound covered with a thin layer of glossy fur. The hairband is used to hold back her floppy ears. The first thing anyone meeting her notices are her eyes that bulge slightly in a moping yet alert fashion.
Noticeable Mechanics: Fast reflexes 2, Fleet of foot 3
  • It is said that when she escaped she had no memories of her previous life and little in the way of being able to communicate, Grace Hunt being her attempt to say 'Grey Hund' which was the name given to her by her keeper. With someone seemingly so far gone she was only spared by the Intervention of 'Big Al' and so you shouldn't say a bad word about him infront of her...
  • Grace is always shaking, she says its because she as too much energy pent up inside her thanks to her keeper but when she's out and about she just walks. Maybe she finds running kinda demeaning...
  • I don't trust her: I heard she's been secretly keeping a census of everyone who comes and goes from the city. I mean who would be keeping tabs on honest folk like that if they weren't up to no good...

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